Images: Utopia is a feeling II | 2023  
stickers, charcoal on engraved ceramic tiles, perfume bottle and stamp | 120 x 800 x 6 cm | exhibited in Will I still perform tomorrow? at Kunstverein Freiburg | Photos: Doradzillo

The visual centre of the installation is a wide-stretching wall piece made of industrially manufactured ceramic tiles — a material that is usually used to protect surfaces from dirt, residue and liquids. Drawings of fragmented male bodies are engraved into the tiles. With these motifs, Juillard navigates between intimate and public spaces, drawing on both a personal archive and Grindr, a dating app for queer users. On the reflective surface, the visibility of the fragmented drawings varies depending on the position of the viewer, who thus becomes part of a strategic game of concealment and visualisation, of staging and seduction. The installation includes a perfume that Juillard developed together with perfumer Andreas Wilhelm. The fragrance is composed of notes reminiscent of gin and tonic, sweat or other bodily fluids, inspired by a club night, by what can happen on the dance floor, in the darkrooms or in the toilets. Just like a dating app, what goes on in a club can also be subject to the rules of the attention economy, of competition and self - performance. Yet Juillard’s installation also evokes moments of queer ecstasy that allow an escape from the here and now, from a reality determined by heteronormativity and capitalism. -Heinriech Dietz and Marilena Raufeisen